


Aaron Solomon's<br>8-string Ovation guitar<br>converted by Kerry Char<br>fretboard by Precision Pearl
Jim Snow's 7-string Ibanez guitar, converted by himself
Cindy Lail's 8-string baritone guitar built (not merely refretted or converted) by Tonedevil Guitars

A Revolutionary New Guitar Fretting

The Beauty of Extended Just Intonation

The Freedom of an Equal Temperament

With the Kite Guitar, common chords sound smoother while new intervals bring exciting expressive possibilities. See the What It Is webpage.

The Kite guitar is extremely versatile. This original piece showcases its more experimental side.

The Kite guitar can rock out!

The Kite guitar has more frets,
as shown in these before and after pics

Robert Lopez-Hanshaw's 6-string guitar (unknown brand) converted mostly by himself, fretboard by Athan

We rent and sell Kite guitars. We also convert guitars to the Kite fretting. We also sell pre-slotted fretboards that your local luthier can install. See the How To Get One page.

We are in the process of recording a series of videos fully explaining the Kite guitar. The video scripts are complete, and we estimate the total running time will be about 2 hours. A preliminary version of the first 45 minutes was live-streamed. See the Long Videos page.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday July 26th, 9pm, Portland OR
Gnu/Linux Loves All
(featuring Timmy Barnett) plays at the Lollipop Shoppe. Appearing with Moss Wand and Multiverse. 21+. 736 SE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97214, (971) 279-4409

9pm - . (30 min set) GNU/Linux Loves All
9:50pm -  (30 min set) Moss Wand
10:40pm -   (40+ minute set) Multiverse Ensemble

EVERY SUNDAY noon-2pm PST -- Our weekly videochat session open to the public

Come meet the Kite community! Held on jitsi, a browser-based vidchat app. No downloading or login required, simply go to the url to join. Details on the Contact Us page.


Caleb Ramsey’s 8-string Shawn guitar by Agile, refretted by Vivian Cecylia Tylińska

Past Events:

June 4th 2023 --Online microtonal open mic

May 7th 2023 --Online microtonal open mic

April 2nd 2023 --Online microtonal open mic

March 5th 2023 --Online microtonal open mic

February 5th 2023 --Online microtonal open mic

January 8th 2023 -- Debut of our monthly online microtonal open mic

We heard performances from about 10 people.

July 7th 2022 -- Long Drive Theatre performance

Performance of a new 41edo piece by Richie Greene for 41-equal metallophone, electric Kite bass, violin, cello, flute and percussion. Appearing alongside Tongue Depressor and Bluebird. Organized by the Creative Music Guild. Mother Foucault's Bookstore, $10 at the door, 523 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR USA

June 4th 2022 -- Gnu/Linux Loves All performance

Timmy Barnett performs a solo show on Kite guitar, subharmonic guitar, 12-equal guitar and violin.
Green Anchors, free, ten bands, 3pm-midnight, 8940 N Bradford St, Portland OR USA

May 13-15th 2022 -- Microtonal Adventures Festival

Kite, Athan and Timmy demonstrate Kite guitars to microtonalists and WWU students.
Kite gives a presentation on 41edo notation.
Timmy performs on Kite guitar, subharmonic guitar, 12-equal guitar and violin.
Free, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA USA
See for more info about the event

January 8th 2022 -- Microtonal University virtual presentation

Kite Giedraitis and Aaron Wolf explain the Kite Guitar, with Travis performing the Evening Rondo
Organized by Johnny Reinhard.

December 7 2021 -- Publication of Kite Guitar Scores/Tabs

Untwelve publishes the first edition of scores for microtonal guitar. There are 20 scores, and 5 of them are for Kite guitar! See for details. See the Scores page for the 5 Kite guitar scores.

September 17th 2021 -- Timmy Barnett violin performance

Timmy performs a 20-minute solo piece in 41-equal, "Ode to GNU General Public Licence".
The Kenton Club, free, 2025 North Kilpatrick St, Portland OR USA

August 28th 2021 -- Six Monologues screening

Screening of a theater work by Long Drive Theatre that features 41-equal music on Kite guitar, metallophone, violin and bass clarinet. Performed by Kaitlyn Petrik, Richie Greene, Kate Kilbourne and Andy Rayborn.

June 23rd 2021 -- In-person presentation (Boston area)

Kite and Devin Ulibarri demonstrate the Kite guitar. They will have two guitars, and those present will actually get to play! Online participation is also possible.

June 18th 2021 -- Boston Guitarfest online workshop

“Vibrant Harmonies on the Kite Guitar” -- must be registered for the BGF to attend

April 25th 2021 -- Online live-streamed presentation on earTrainer41

Kite demonstrates his ear trainer software for 41-equal
Presented by MAP Family Learning Center in Malden MA (Boston area)

April 11th 2021 -- Online live-streamed presentation of the Kite guitar by the Kite team

First of a 3-part video series fully explaining the Kite guitar
Presented by MAP Family Learning Center in Malden MA (Boston area)

November 10th 2019 -- PDX Gearfest

A hands-on demo of the Kite guitar, both acoustic and electric.

April 24th 2019 -- The public unveiling of the Kite Guitar

Kite borrowed 4 fretless guitars, put cable-tie frets on them, and invited all the Portland microtonalists over to see!